
Book: Women Be Whole-A Guide to Overcoming Brokenness


Similar to broken crayons that still color, as women, we may easily pour out our gifts on people and things around us, but sometimes fail to address our hidden brokenness on the inside. When brokenness is present, it may lead us to behave and build walls around our past pain, misunderstand our present experiences, and unknowingly self-sabotage parts of our future. Through this book, we will unmask this silent killer because God desires for all of us to break down the barricades of ungodly brokenness and embrace wholeness in every area of our lives.

This book will teach you how:

  • To uncover different signs of brokenness that are often overlooked
  • To examine where you are within the process of exiting brokenness and/or entering into wholeness
  • To use key strategies and scriptures that promote wholeness
  • To redefine your story based on the principles and promises of God


Similar to broken crayons that still color, as women, we may easily pour out our gifts on people and things around us, but sometimes fail to address our hidden brokenness on the inside. When brokenness is present, it may lead us to behave and build walls around our past pain, misunderstand our present experiences, and unknowingly self-sabotage parts of our future. Through this book, we will unmask this silent killer because God desires for all of us to break down the barricades of ungodly brokenness and embrace wholeness in every area of our lives. For years, Gernissia lived in a state of brokenness with emotional baggage and a traumatic past that left her stuck on “replay.” But now with a renewed freedom, she is sharing with you the power and process of exiting brokenness and entering into wholeness. If you desire to move beyond your past hurt, assess where you are in the process of wholeness, or boldly walk out your purpose, then this book will become a useful toolkit in your arsenal!

This book will teach you how:

  • To uncover different signs of brokenness that are often overlooked
  • To examine where you are within the process of exiting brokenness and/or entering into wholeness
  • To use key strategies and scriptures that promote wholeness
  • To redefine your story based on the principles and promises of God