The 2021 Purpose Plan(Her) Planner


Our time is here! Ladies, are you looking to get past “ordinary” living and step into greatness? Now you can strategically plan around your goals and purpose with the 2021 Purpose PlanHer Planner! You will get a three -prong boost in and purposeful planning, Christian principles, and self-care!

Planning Goals & Purpose
-Quarterly Vision Planning
-Strategic Self Assessments
-Monthly Goal Setting
-Yearly, Monthly, and Daily Calendar
– Daily Checklists/To-Do Lists

Self-Care & Christian Principles
-Daily health trackers
-Monthly self-care routine tips
-Monthly reflections
-Biblical scriptures
-Spiritual growth focus tips
-Self Affirmations

Knowing how to plan, pivot, and produce is so essential and that is why we created the 2021 Purpose PlanHer Planner.

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There is no way 2021 will catch you on the sidelines with our  yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily accountability provided in The PlanHer Planner. This planner gives you the room to plan effectively as well as set, track, and crush your goals! As an added benefit, this planner serves as a way to organize your life across multiple areas such as your family, faith, career, and health so that you can witness well-rounded success. With monthly reflections, you also have time to debrief and use your reflections towards the subsequent months. Ultimately, this planner allows you to organize your potential and purpose in a meaningful way.

*For a limited time we are also waving the shipping cost. Yes, FREE shipping!